Sunday, August 30, 2015


Assalamualaikum J

In this entry I will introduce to you another snake that different from Bloomslang. It is called the Carpet Viper or Saw-Scaled Snakes.

Does this animal cause many human death?

The West African carpet viper is the most dangerous snake in Africa, responsible for more serious snakebites and deaths than any other species, and it is a strong candidate for the title of most dangerous snake in the world. Although not a large snake (300-500mm) its venom is extremely toxic and it is common around human habitations, often occurring in large numbers.

The snakes are aggressive and will not show mercy when meeting their prey or someone that they feel will threat them. Sometimes, this creature will bury themselves in the sand. As known as the carpet viper, this deadly snake doesn’t think twice before it strikes as it uses it’s saw like scales to make a hissing sound when it feels threaten. The larger males can grow to almost 3 feet in length while their female counterpart’s venom is twice as strong. Keep alert with hissing sound that they make it. This sound will show you that they are warning you about their existing.

So, when you go to visit Africa, be careful and don’t happily walk on the sand. You might don’t know that something is waiting for you with unwanted greeting J

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